A Book For A ChangeBuy A Book For A Change and find stories to entertain and illustrate how to change your mind and your life. I demonstrate how using techniques such as NLP, EFT tapping, Havening, mindfulness and meditation, on issues such as love and attraction, parenting, worrying, procrastinating, grieving and self-belief, to name but a few, can transform the way you think and act. More here…

Buy on Amazon now


This practical and powerful book will give you an uplift as well as many thought-provoking stories and strategies for creating profound change in your life.” Kathryn Temple, Success Psychologist, Founder & CEO of the Happiness Foundation

lots of insights and uplifting, yet very realistic, sage advice for living our life…I loved it” Mr M. Charlton, reviewer on Amazon


Gold MeditationThe Gold guided meditation from my Bed Med series, gives you space to relax, repair and regenerate.

Free meditation on youtube here




Enjoy the beneifts of singing, humming and meditation in one go. Sing OM in the space after me to a shruti box drone in C# and emphasise the hum on the “mmm”. It doesn’t matter how well you sing and hum, only that you do.

Free video on youtube here.



Peace Meditation When you wake up, your brainwaves are at the right frequency to make meditating easier. This 30 minute meditation on Peace is specifically designed to be done in bed in the morning. Simply set your alarm half an hour earlier and enjoy the benefits of meditating all day. Although it can be used at any time of day, do NOT use while driving or operating machinery.

When you are operating mindfully from an internal place of peace, worries seem to disappear. Nicola guides you through accessing a more peaceful state. This is enhanced by using a self-stroking motion from the shoulder to below the elbow which creates deeply relaxing Delta waves. With music by Spencer Westwood.

SuperbAndy Sawyer

AmazingDiane Hill

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Love MeditationWhen you wake up, your brainwaves are at the right frequency to make meditation easier. This 30 minute meditation is specifically designed to be done in bed in the morning. Simply set your alarm for half an hour earlier and enjoy the benefits of meditation throughout the day. Although it can be used at any time, do NOT drive or operate machinery when listening to this meditation.

Love is a frequency of energy that everyone can access at all times. Nicola guides you through accessing and amplifying loving states, and sending loving energy into memories of your life and into your future. With music by Spencer Westwood.

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Gratitude Meditation

Research has shown that people who count their blessings and meditate on gratitude every day, are 25% happier than those who don’t!

This recording comes in two parts – grab a piece of paper and pencil to list your top things you are grateful for, and then listen to the meditation for 20 minutes. Do NOT use while driving or operating machinery. With music by Spencer Westwood.

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Five Minute Meditation

Listen to my 5 Minute Meditation for free. Click here – 5 Minute Med


EFT Tapping Points Video

In this short clip, I’ll  demonstrate the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping points. This video is free to view. Click here – EFT Tapping Points






Relax and Feel Good – A Guided Relaxation and MeditationA 20 minute guide to relaxing the whole body followed by a guided visualisation to help you build on feelings of happiness, joy and confidence to feel good about the past, present and future. A great addition to your other relaxation techniques. Do NOT use while driving or operating machinery.

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Introduction to NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming for BeginnersNLP is about learning how your mind works and how to re-program it effectively to make the  improvements you really want in your life right now. You can also use the techniques to help others change their thoughts and behaviour too. Thousands have tried and succeeded. You can too.

This entertaining three hour recording of a live seminar involves you in participating in exercises to excite and amaze you about the power of your own mind in the comfort of your home/office, whilst also being able to hear the audience reactions.

Visit now for more information or buy your copy now and listen online.

This is one of the best introductions to NLP I have ever experienced.”

– Mark McDonagh

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These recordings are for learning purposes only. The information provided in these recordings should not be used as a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment.