Creating Your Reality

Creating Space To Allow Ideas To Flow

I’m back from my hols, brimming with ideas!

Isn’t it funny how getting away from your usual routine allows the creative juices to flow?!

Without even thinking about what you might, could or should do about work/life at home – all of a sudden – BAM! – some juicy new idea explodes into your consciousness.

It’s all about creating the space to allow it to happen for you.

Noticing the idea without just writing it off as impractical, too much work, or whatever (practising non-judgment), and just savouring it for a while. Bringing it to life in your mind, picturing how it might play out really well…(mental rehearsal)

Then coming back to ‘real life’ and putting in the effort to make it happen (taking action).

Now this works for the good stuff in life but also for the not so good. This is the perfect way to do anxiety too: creating the space to allow the negative thoughts in, ruminating on all the bad things that could happen…

Taking Action

But let’s concentrate on the uplifting side, and the bit that’s often overlooked, the final part – taking action. Know that every thing that’s ever been invented, your kettle, your phone, your job, came first from an idea in someone’s imagination, and was brought into being, into real life, by taking action! That’s what creation is – translating thoughts into reality through action. I had an idea once that I’d like to meditate in a group for support, and this year we’re celebrating Meditation Room’s 10th birthday! I created my own reality.

I’ll bet you’ve had some really awesome ideas too, is it time to breathe life into one or two?

Meditation Room is back every Monday evening online and Tuesdays in person in Hilperton, Wiltshire at 7.30pm. That’ll help you with the first 4 parts of the process of creation, and the breathing!

Let me know if you’d like to come along. There, that’s the action