Love Laughter Parties – Especially Hen-Do’s!
Love Laughter Parties – Especially Hen-Do’s
I do love laughter parties. I had been invited by the Maid of Honour to be a surprise guest at a hen party (I wasn’t just a gatecrasher!) She wanted me to run a laughter session for the ‘hens’. It had to cater for the fact that two of the women were pregnant and two had babes-in-arms. A tall order. But ever one to rise to the challenge, I designed something that I thought would suit them very well.
So, one Saturday morning, I turned up at their rented house in Bath at the agreed time. She ushered me in to meet everyone and surprise them all with some laugher. When I announced what we’d be doing, they started laughing! The self-conscious sort of laughter that accompanies the thought of how silly laughing for no reason was. What’s more, I agreed! It is silly. Silly comes from an old English word meaning happy, blessed, blissful and lucky. We were going to have fun and feel good, playful and joyful – and all without a single drop of alcohol!
Connecting to Joy
For any of you who have ever been to one of my sessions, you’ll know that after warming up our bodies and some breathing exercises, we do a little meet-and-greet movement around the room. In a style of my choosing, we start to get to know everyone else. We make eye contact as well as physical contact. Consequently, we start to establish rapport. We begin raising our heartbeat by moving around and gradually building up real laughter. The laughter creates feel-good chemicals in your body, which starts a self-perpetuating circle. The more you smile and laugh, the better you feel – the better you feel, the more you smile and laugh. Soon we’re connecting to joy!
Babies Like Laughter
The babies seemed to be enjoying it as much as the adults, since they were picking up on the joyful energy of their mums. (Although, it would not be sensible nor safe to have toddlers roaming around in the melee.) And babies in the womb like it when their mum’s laugh, since they get the benefit of all those feel-good chemicals in their mother’s system.
A Toast to Health and Happiness
By the end of our session together, the women had exercised their abs and lats, which is a bonus for those wedding outfits. They had created a heady cocktail of neuro-transmitters, hormones and chemicals to make them feel good (and take away the pain of wearing high-heels later!). And most importantly they had shared a wonderful moment in time to celebrate the marriage of a beloved friend, sister and daughter.
Joy bubbled up in the beautiful bride, and we toasted to a future of health and happiness.
To the friend who had the idea, and made it happen – what a wonderful thing to do! I really do love laughter parties.
Book a bespoke laughter session (60-90 minutes) for your special occasion – Hen, Birthday and Christmas Parties – or for your club, workplace or group. It will be tailor-made to fit you well. Call 07989 404112 to check availability or email
Fees will depend on numbers and location (nationwide) – starting from £150.