Tagged: laughter

Loving Laughing

I’m loving laughing, I have to admit. Since I started doing laughter sessions as part of my mission to help people feel more joyful and alive, I have noticed the benefits to myself as...

the path is so obvious


A lot of people consider themselves to be ‘works in progress’ in that they are not entirely happy with themselves right now. I would just like to say – you are great already. Really. If...

stay in love

Staying in Love

You know when you fall in love with someone new and everything is exciting? You look for things you have in common and things you like about them. Their little idiosyncrasies are cute, the...

corporate stress wellbeing and laughter

Corporate Wellbeing, Stress and Laughter

CORPORATE WELLBEING AND STRESS Corporate wellbeing and stress management is a big issue. With budgets tight and staff levels pared to a minimum, you want happy, motivated, healthy people to produce great results, and...

keep your proper happy

Nicola Walker

Nicola Walker’s passion is the mind. Her curiosity about how the brain functions, and exploring how and why people do the things they do, drives her to constantly expand her knowledge to find the...

laughter keeps bubbling up


Laughter really could be the best medicine! Ever had a really good laugh and felt fabulous afterwards? Well, science is catching up with you. Research suggests that laughter can be great for your physical...