My Old Dog Taught Me Some New Tricks!
Spotting A Pattern I was having a quiet moment of contemplation the other day about my dog who recently passed away. During his long illness, I nursed him diligently, adapting his diet, exercise, and...
Training, Coaching & Investigations
Spotting A Pattern I was having a quiet moment of contemplation the other day about my dog who recently passed away. During his long illness, I nursed him diligently, adapting his diet, exercise, and...
Recently, a client complained that she felt like a bit-part player in her life. Everything great, she said, happened to her friends, but she felt life never delivered what she wanted. Life is something...
Have you ever considered how entwined our attention, thoughts and feelings are? It can be like self-determining vicious or virtuous circles. Let me give you an example of what I mean. At the weekend,...
Human beings are hard wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain, so everything you do, every behaviour pattern you’ve ever acquired, is based on that underlying premise. When you think about everything you’d like...
Have you ever driven your usual route to work when you were actually going somewhere else that day? We, as ‘normal’ human beings, have sixty to eighty thousand thoughts a day! Can you imagine...
I’ve not written for a while, and I really don’t know where to start again. it had become a pleasurable habit, something to do between clients, classes and walking the dog at lunchtime. Settling...
Have you ever wondered just what you could have been if you’d really let yourself go for it, or if only the opportunity had presented itself? Did you have a hankering to be an...
I was just preparing to start the day’s training course when the school’s deputy head teacher telephoned. A feeling of dread came over me – what were they complaining about this time? My stepson...
Every morning I switch on my laptop and I get inspiring messages from my friend, Kath Temple, loving messages from Mastin Kipp, heartening messages from Bridget Clapham, provoking messages from Alex Sinclair, thoughtful messages...